We’re teaming up with the digital marketplace, NTWRK, to showcase over 50 new products from the House of Brain Dead. A QVC-style livestream will run over the course of two days on November 10th and 11th with five different 30 minute segments. Each segment takes you through a new door to our Open House and unlocks a new array of products. Everything introduced will be available through the NTWRK app.
Experience the House of Brain Dead collection for yourself by tuning in to the NTWRK app for each new episode.
Thursday, November 10th
House of Brain Dead: Living Room @ 12PM PST
House of Brain Dead: Game Room @ 2PM PST
House of Brain Dead: Kitchen @ 4PM PST
Friday, November 11th
House of Brain Dead: Outdoor @ 12PM PST
House of Brain Dead: Music Room @ 2PM PST